Sunday, February 13, 2011

Made in China

We attended the temple this week. Before we left I put on a dress I have that is the style where it criss crosses at the chest. I went into Alex's room to put him to bed and he looked at me and said, "You look so pretty Mommy!" I thanked him and he continued to stare at me. A bit later he said,

"Where did you get that dress?

M: "At the store a long time ago."

A: "Where did they get it?"

M: "They made it."

A: "I think they got it in China."

M: "Why do you think that?"

A: "Well look . . . it has to be from China because it looks like my karate uniform."

Then pointing at the criss cross part of the dress, he said

"See . . . it crosses over . . . just like karate uniforms. They are from China ya know."

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