Thursday, April 21, 2011

Brother's Day

Last night at dinner Alex started talking about what he wanted to get for Joseph and I for Mother's and Father's Day coming up. He then said, "AND, I bet you can't guess what I want for Brother's Day!"

Someday he'll realize that every day is Brother's Day.

I Wuv Cwothes

This morning Rebekah came downstairs with a huge arm load of her "new-to-her" summer clothes. As she rounded the corner and saw me she said, "Mommy! I WUV clothes!"

And so it begins.....

Judge Quaker

Some pre-story notes so this makes more sense:

Alex's new favorite cereal is Quaker Life Cereal.
He is also learning to read .
Joseph's boss is named Judge Baker and Alex loves to ask questions about him often.
Yesterday while sitting at the breakfast table with his cereal box next to him he sat there staring at the box. He then looked up at me and said, "Mommy, did Judge Baker make this cereal?"

M: "No, why?"

A: "Well, look! It says 'Baker' right there. And look! There is his picture."

M (trying not to laugh since the Quaker guy looks nothing like Judge Baker): "Oh, wow! You did a pretty good job reading there. You just got a couple letters mixed up. It says, 'Quaker,' not 'Baker.' But, Good job reading Alex!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I think that's True

When Alex went to the ER to get stitches on his head, this happened:
After the numerous numbing pokes were done, the doctor said, "You have a very brave boy. Usually for a child his age, it takes 6 or 7 nurses to hold them down and then sometimes they still need to be tied down. I knew the minute I met Alex that we wouldn't need that. He has a very good disposition."

I then turned to Alex and said, "Did you hear that? He said you were very brave. And you know what!? I think you are even BRAVER than Superman!"  To which Alex replied... "I think that's true." :)

Like Da Birds

We were all walking out to the van and Rebekah was walking with her head down and her shoulders slumped. She eventually stopped right under a big tree about 10 feet from our van. I said, "Rebekah what is wrong sweetie?"

To which she replied, "I sad."

I asked her why and she said, "I dust wanna fwy up in da tree just yike da birds." 

Don't Wear Underwear

Today during breakfast Alex's superhero figures were "talking" to each other. Alex chimed in and said, "Hey Superman, who do you think I should dress like today?"

Superman replied, "Like me. But, don't wear any underwear until after school. You need to be modest."

Too big for you

Joseph and I like to look into our kids ears when they do something smart and check to see how big their brains grow each time they learn something new. They love it. Last night Rebekah came running out of Alex's room and said, "Wook Mommy! I made a "L"! I went into look and sure enough she had made the letter L with the puzzle pieces. So, I grabbed her and started pretending to take some of her brains out and put them in my head.

She looked up me very seriously, with her eyebrows furrowed and said, "Mommy Bekah's bwains too big for you!"

I said, "WHAT?! Your brains are too big for ME?!"

She smiled slyly and said, "YES! Bekah's brains too big for mommy!"